The Mystery behind Cold Brew Tea

So here's the thing about normal iced tea -- it's brewed hot like regular tea and then chilled, giving it a bland and bitter taste. It's then served to poor, unsuspecting tea drinkers who haven't yet had the pleasure of drinking naturally sweeter cold brew tea.

But at Joyride, we know the difference. In fact, we were so distraught by the injustice, that we decided to create our own cold brew tea. So for those of you who may be limiting your coffee intake (we can't imagine why), we've found you a solution.

How you may ask? Using our very own cold brew tea system, we cold steep carefully harvested Sri Lankan Ceylon tea leaves from In Pursuit of Tea for over 20 hours. This means we never heat the tea leaves, and as a result extract the smoothest flavors. The final product? A luxuriously refreshing and naturally sweet cold brew tea.

And by using whole leaf teas from In Pursuit of Tea, a company which provides tea to some of the highest ranked restaurants in the world, you'll know quality and sustainability in our iced tea kegs are second-to-none.


Post written by Marketing Coordinator,  Nadia Sikander